General Application guide for SAMI products

Using SAMI Agricultural and Cleaning Product
All SAMI products dilute with any clean water source (do not use sea water) to dilutions from 5% to 50%. A mere 5% solution (1.5 ounces to a quart of water) is great for windows and light cleaning. Dilution of about 30% (9 ounces added to 23 ounce water for a quart) where more aggressive cleaning and degreasing is needed.
Dilution ratio for NGA and Power Clenz products, sold only in concentrate form, are contained on respective product labels.
NGA agricultural product must be diluted to 10% or less. Apply by stream or spray at edge of manure where manure contacts pit. NGA may also be applied as spray onto manure. NGA can be diluted to 3% and applied as light spray to discrete manure piles, sprayed onto cattle, horse, or another animal manure as needed. Do not wet to point of runoff. NGA will not harm human or animal skin.
Power Clenz must be diluted with water to about 25% prior to application on concrete, marble, quartz, granite, slate, or another hard surface. On most outdoor concrete surfaces it is not necessary to rinse Power Clenz from surface after application. Power Clenz as seen in images on the Power Clenz Page, continues to work long after application.. Power Clenz does not contain corrosive materials therefore will not affect concrete strength or cause pitting, etching, or deleterious effects.
SAMI products are mild alkaline products containing surfactants and other materials found in nature and high performance cleaners. Dilution chart for all products serves only as a guide to assist in determining approximate economical dilution ratio. Since it is not practical or feasible to know what contaminants may be present on any surface it may be necessary to use slightly greater or less concentration of any selected product than listed for any specific application.
30M Concentrate must be diluted with 2-parts (33% solution) to 9-parts (10% solution) clean water. Provides excellent odor and residue control in areas subject to garbage and refuse. No benefit is realized beyond 33% solution. Do not use full strength. Mix with 2-parts water for thick heavy accumulation; best results obtained by allowing 5 to 15 - minute
soak. For medium to light duty surface cleaning, as general wipe-off, mix with 4 to 9 parts water (20% to 10% solution)
(13 ounces make one-gallon 10% solution), spray area, rinse with clean water as needed or wipe dry. Removes some stains such as pet stains, may be used on cloth and carpet materials, all hard surfaces, all metals, plastic, rubber, and painted surfaces. Provides excellent odor control and facilitates septic system functions.
- This table references dilution based on product CONCENTRATE (100%). Dilutions below are suggested initial dilutions based on test data and input from customer feedback. Due to the nearly unlimited possible combinations of soil (contamination) types suggested dilutions referenced below may need to be increased or decreased to further optimize effectivity and economy for any particular debris scenario. Dilution is expressed in parts of water and product and resulting approximate percentage of product in solution. As an example 3-parts product in 7-parts water = 30% solution. The mixture reference of ounces water + ounces product references 1-quart mixture. Do not mix SAMI products with any other commercial product. Hot water may be used to improve cleaning performance in some applications.
Warning: Solution or water temperature above 50°C (122°F) may cause severe burns upon contact. Use extreme caution when using hot water solutions. Do not use SAMI products in a steam cleaner, any device that boils water, or any high pressure spray equipment.
Application Area | 7 Parts Water to 3 Parts product (30%) (22 oz. water + 10 oz. product) | 17 Parts Water to 3 Parts product (15%) (27 oz. water + 5 oz. product) | 27 Parts Water to 3 Parts product (9%) (29 oz. water + 3 oz. product) | 30 Parts Water to 2 Parts product (6%) (30 oz. water + 2 oz. product) |
Industrial equipment, machinery & vehicles – cars, trucks, forklift, etc. 30M provides post-wash odor control where needed | Degreasing engines & eqpt. (heavy soil, may require up to 40%, contaminant dependent) Tires, Wheels, Brake dust, Chassis washing (30M) | Degreasing machinery & engines - light soil accumulation Parts washers (de-foamer may be needed) Rubber-vinyl floor mats (30M at 30%) | Soiled vinyl or plastic, Folding chairs & tables Carpeted areas (30M at 10% recommended for carpets to provide odor control) | Chrome, Stainless Steel, Vinyl Seats/Dash Instrumentation panels (may need up to 15% depending on surface contaminants) (30M recommended) |
Industrial flooring, general facilities maintenance, control cabinet exteriors, carpets, metal file cabinets, etc. | Drain cleaning & maintenance – (soak time required, 4 to 24 hours), Floor wax removal – most waxing compounds Restroom odor control & cleaning. (30M at 30%) | General floor cleaning – tile, laminate, etc. (may need up to 30% for heavy contamination, soak time up to 24 hours) Surface & cabinet – heavy contamination | General surface, cabinet, floor wiping – light contamination (30M at 10%) Daily or weekly restroom maintenance level (30M at 20%) | Adhesive & most contaminants on windows, glass table tops, etc. (30M at 20%) Add 2 oz. 30M to 1-quart water for use as a general ammonia free window cleaner. |
Home applications 30MX optimizes drain cleaning, stain removal, and odor control effectiveness | Drain cleaning, floor wax removal, lawn maintenance equipment, ovens, fire place soot, stains on clothing pre-soak (30M) | Fireplaces and soot, shop tools & rags, Bug and tar removal (30M) Stove hoods (30M) Mold & mildew (30M) | Appliance cleaning, Vinyl wallpaper, Carpet cleaning (30M), Pet stains, vomit, pet odor control – do not add to animal litter (30M at 10%) | Sink – counter wipe General purpose cleanup Plastic blinds, etc. (30M at 10% to 20%) Mold & mildew maintenance (Triple C + 3 parts water or 30M at 20% to 30%) |
Outdoor (Note – Use Power Clenz for optimum concrete cleaning) | BBQ Grills (may need up to 40%), exterior moss on brick Heavy duty odor control (30M at 10%) | Plastic furniture & vinyl siding Pool areas & Concrete – most stains & soil, may need up to 40% (30M) | Garbage can cleaning & odor control (30M at 20%) | Weekly maintenance level spray for garbage areas – (30M at 10% for odor control) |
Marine | Inboard/Outboard engines, (30M at 30%) | Algae stains (30M at 30%) Fiberglass & plastic (30M) | Boat covers (30M at 20%), Vinyl seats & tops (30M at 20%) | Chrome or stainless steel (30M at 10% to 20%) |