NOTICE - Pitstop Solutions previously distributed our NGA product and obtained excellent results. Pitstop Solutions may be using NGA testimonials and data to sell copy-cat products that are not GHS certified and not manufactured by RWM Technologies as claimed in their advertising.
Agricultural and Home Cleaning Products
SAMI products are manufactured for SAMI
by RWM Technologies in Chattanooga, TN
“The Art of Achievement is brought into focus by completely understanding and applying the basics, within harmony of nature’s framework, that support the steps along the way to the Achievement”
– Mark D. Mitchell

Our products, manufactured by RWM Technologies in Chattanooga, TN, are used by Philip Morris, Ameripolish, numerous animal producers (NGA), and thousands of consumers. Our products are GHS tested and certified non-corrosive, are less toxic than baking soda, and clean as well or better than competing products. All products are 100% biodegradable and also control odor naturally unlike competing products.
Please call 252-205-7254 to place your order. We do not store your billing information to keep your information secure.
Systems & Methods International invented NGA based on research and development of naturally occurring soil bacterial spores and related enzymes. Reports including; 2001 Purdue University report testing 35 hog manure pit additives in 2001 published in National Hog Farmer by Joe Vansickle, March 15, 2001; publication “Environmental Contaminants Associated With A Swine Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation And Implications For McMurtrey National Wildlife Refuge,” US Fish and Wildlife Service, Division of Environmental Quality, Region 6, Nebraska Field Office, 203 West Second Street, Grand Island, Nebraska 68801, July 2004; and Technical Paper, “Deodorization of Pig Manure Using Lignin Peroxidase with Different Electron Acceptors,” published in Journal of The Air & Waste Management Association, 2016, Volume 66, Number 4, pp 420-428
Dr. Teng Lim's team summary findings and report on NGA may be found at the University of Missouri link immediately below.

ALL SAMI products are non-corrosive and lower in toxicity than common baking soda by design.
SAMI Product Application Scope

NGA and NGA2 are Pit additives and odor controlling manure spray composition for swine, cattle & duck ponds – NGA is the ONLY certified non-corrosive and ultra-low toxicity treatment available. NGA has been evaluated by Dr. Teng Lim's team at the University of Missouri. Dr. Lim's summary and final report at the University of Missouri is located at this link -
Concrete and hard surface cleaning without acids, evolved gases, and chlorine oxidizers – safe to use, ultra-low toxicity
General and safe degreasing and surface cleaning for home and industry with extended odor control - safe to use, ultra-low toxicity, certified GHS non-corrosive